What Is VAERS?
VAERS stands for Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. This is a surveillance program that is supervised both by the CDC and the FDA. Essentially, it is used to bring attention swiftly to any problems that may have arisen with the use of vaccines. Primarily, it focuses on the side effects or health issues that were developed after the use of a vaccine.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System was derived due to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that was issued in 1990. This Act was written and put into law due to an increasing number of people concerned with the state of vaccines in the 1970s. Many families believed that they had been injured or damaged after receiving certain vaccines and sued those companies which created them. As a means to protect the health and rights of those who regularly choose to become vaccinated against infectious diseases, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was created.
This Act essentially allows those who experienced adverse side effects from the vaccine to sue for reparations. There are additional benefits besides just the protection of individuals under the law, too. It helped to transform the health industry and make it ensure that it was practicing safe measures in the production of their vaccines. It also forced doctors to make those who were receiving vaccines aware of the possible side effects that may occur.
Since then, vaccines have become safer. While they will likely never be 100% safe since everyone’s biology reacts differently to certain medications and treatments, the vaccines used today are typically quite harmless to those who receive them. However, for those who do experience a rare side effect or damage to their health from a vaccine treatment, VAERS and the Act can be used in court to sue.
How VAERS Is Used
Essentially, VAERS is used to keep a close watch on any reports that people have had with vaccines. When a report comes in, scientists research the claim to see if it possible for the vaccine to have performed the action that the report describes. If it is, indeed, a risk then the CDC and FDA will take action. Typically, that vaccine will no longer be allowed to be used or, if the problem arose from a limited number, it may be suggested that those with those specific conditions do not receive the vaccine. Reporting to VAERS is an excellent way to further advance the safety of vaccines. Scientists cannot improve anything if they are not made aware of the problems that exist.
If you believe that you received a side effect from vaccines that has impacted your health, then you should make a report with the VAERS system. You can easily do this online at the CDC website or through the mail. Since an investigation into the claim takes a year, it’s best that you report the problem as soon as possible. The reason for the length of time is so that scientists can research and observe the effects that the vaccine has had in the long-term. They also usually require your medical files to be released to them, so they can understand what went wrong.
The Act can also be used legally to protect your rights and to ensure reparations are made in the event that VAERS and the CDC decide in your favor. You can receive a settlement as a means of reparations for the health risk and injury you endured.
If you received an adverse effect after taking a vaccine, you should contact a lawyer to discuss your options.