Vaccines are products developed by pharmaceutical companies that have the risk of causing harm or not working at all. Every vaccine that is recommended by the Federal Drug Administration has the risk of complications that may lead to brain damage or damage to the immune system. There have been variety of complications related to vaccine administration including:
- Anaphylaxis
- Chronic Nervous System Dysfunction
- Seizures
- Brain Inflammation
- Thrombocytopenia
- Brachial Neuritis
- Guillain Barre Syndrome
- Infection from the strain of smallpox, measles, polio, and varicella zoster vaccines
- Shock
- Deltoid Bursitis
- Syncope
- Death – specifically with the measles, polio, and smallpox vaccines
Vaccines That May Lead to Limited Immunity
While most vaccines may provide immunity from disease, some vaccines only provide temporary or short-term protection from developing infections. The pertussis, mumps, and influenza vaccines are primary examples of time. Individuals who are vaccinated may transmit influenza, pertussis, and mumps to others.
The pertussis vaccination provides immunity from the infection for up to two years in some people. Symptoms of a pertussis infection include low grade fever, runny nose, and mild coughing for approximately two weeks. The cough will then progress to fits of uncontrollable coughing with a high pitched sound in children and infants. Following the coughing fits, they will begin to vomit thick mucus and become extremely lethargic. Pertussis in infants can lead to them having extreme difficulty breathing and may even stop breathing. Serious complications of pertussis include convulsions, pneumonia, swelling of the brain, and death.
Each year the influenza vaccine fluctuates in effectiveness, often times being approximately 9-56% effective. This leads to many of people who receive the influenza vaccination contracting the flu each year. Symptoms of influenza can include chills, fever, sore throat, muscle and body aches, fatigue, vomiting, and diarrhea. Influenza typically lasts longer than a week. Some serious complications that can develop as a result of contracting influenza include bronchitis, ear and sinus infections, pneumonia, dehydration, and death.
The mumps vaccine has been shown to be transmitted to individuals who have been fully vaccinated. Contracting the mumps leads to severe symptoms and sometimes complications. Symptoms of mumps infection include loss of appetite, muscle aches, fever, swollen salivary glands, and headache. These symptoms can last for approximately three weeks. Rare complications develop in certain people that can include sterility, primarily occurring in males.
Unanswered Questions Regarding Vaccines and Chronic Illness
There are a lack of methodologically sound research studies that have been conducted and published within scientific literature regarding the safety of the currently prescribed childhood vaccine schedule. This means that the current vaccination schedule may or may not cause the development of chronic illnesses and disabilities in children. The following disorders have not been proven to be caused or not caused by vaccinations:
- atopy
- asthma
- allergies
- autism
- autoimmune disorders
- learning disorders
- developmental disorders
- communication disorders
- intellectual disabilities
- disruptive behavior disorder
- attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
- seizures
- epilepsy
- febrile seizures
- tics
- tourette’s disorder